About Us

We are a family run Wellness Clinic, with a strong foundation in medical massage, which includes Floatation Therapy. Our Clinic’s primary focus is assisting clients in reducing stress and feeling revitalized! Our massage therapists specialize in injury treatment, such as motor vehicle accidents and on-the-job injury, and we also offer support for managing chronic conditions. We use a varied combination of modalities, affectionately named our “bag of tricks” which may include, but are not limited to, Neuromuscular TherapyDeep Tissue Massage, or Swedish Massage. We understand the diverse needs of our individual clients and in honoring that, we co-create a treatment plan that will accommodate those needs based on the many skills of each therapist. We also work closely with your Primary Care Physicians and Chiropractors to maintain your treatment plan and outcome goals.

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Our Mission

To hold a space of stillness where practitioners can use intuition and clinical knowledge to facilitate healing acute and chronic conditions, and where clients feel safe and calm reaching a deeper sense of relaxation and self-healing.

Be Still, Unplug, and Recharge!

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Our History


Shannon began her career as a massage therapist.


Shannon started Still Life Massage in downtown Bellingham, in which there were three massage therapists on staff.


Tim and Shannon had their first Float, loved it so much, they had their second Float the following day. Immediately knew they needed to add it to Still Life.


Changed the name to Still Life Massage and Float and moved to the Bellwether complex.


Jordan from Current Media Productions created an amazing film about us!


We have 9 massage therapists and have hosted well-over 5000 Floats in our two tank facility.

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Book your next float online so you can be still, unplug, and recharge!
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