If you’ve ever cooked chicken, you’ve probably noticed it. The thin, transparent, filmy material that covers the chicken meat. Our muscles are covered in fascia. Fascia covers every muscle and keeps the muscle together. Fascia covers and protects every single muscle bundle or fascicle that makes up the muscle. Fascia also covers every single muscle fibre or muscle cell that makes up the bundle It is like the framework or scaffolding that the muscle operates within. Fascia holds and supports the muscle together giving it shape, form, and function. It also helps the muscles slide over each other with less friction. The body is made up of over 600 muscles that layer over each other and criss-cross each other. Each muscle needs to slide over, under or beside its surrounding muscles without interference in order to function properly.
It can remain short, tight and inflexible causing pain whenever the muscle tries to stretch to its full strength. You might even notice a sharp almost tearing feeling when you try to stretch.
The scar can become adhesed or glued to the fascia of surrounding muscles. This acts as a monkey wrench in the system. None of the muscles that are adhesed can function pain-free in their normal ranges with this. For example, if a scar forms between your quads and your adductor/groin muscles you might notice that you don’t have the same strength or flexibility with either quad exercises or adductor exercises. The reason is that those muscles are essentially glued together and pulling on each other each time you use them.
**Many thanks from Ken Shim, RMT, in Toronto, Canada! I hope to be so eloquent someday!